

    Web mempelajari basic-basic dan mungkin akan saya gunakan lagi untuk masa depan jika saya lupa.

  2. Vi Helper
    basic basic penggunaan vi

  3. Debian Wiki
    its the wiki.

  4. AWK Tutorial
    AWK tutorials, awesome, really helpful.

  5. Bash Tutorial
    Bash helping guide for dummies(me).

  6. Operating System Concepts Operating System materials

  7. Grep Commands Cool Grep command guide

  8. More Grep Commands More cool Grep commands

  9. File Moving, Copying, Renaming Self explanatory from title, helps if i were to forget

  10. Purpose of fork The purpose of forking defined by an experienced user in stackoverflow

  11. Synchronization “In computer science, the dining philosophers problem is an example problem often used in concurrent algorithm design to illustrate synchronization issues and techniques for resolving them.”

  12. LINUX FROM SCRATCH The savior for this week (week08) assignment

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